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Persiapan untuk membantu Haiti telah dibuat sebelum berlaku gempa bumi

Pekerja memuatkan jet Tentera Udara dengan persediaan dan peralatan di March Air Reserve Base di California.

Sementara kakitangan yang mewakili ratusan agensi kerajaan dan bukan kerajaan dari seluruh dunia bergegas untuk bantuan gempa bumi Haiti, Agensi Pertahanan Sistem Maklumat (Defense Information Systems Agency) / DISA telah melancarkan sebuah portal Web dengan pelbagai alat rangkaian sosial untuk membantu dalam menyelaraskan usaha mereka.

Pada hari Isnin (sehari sebelum berlaku gempa bumi), Jean Demay, pengurus teknikal DISA untuk projek Kerjasama Perkongsian Maklumat Transnasional (Transnational Information Sharing Cooperation project), kebetulan berada di markas U.S. Southern Command di Miami bersiap-sedia untuk ujian sistem dalam sebuah senario yang melibatkan pemberian bantuan kepada Haiti berjaga-jaga terhadap ribut badai.

Selepas gempa bumi berlaku pada hari Selasa, Demay berkata SOUTHCOM memutuskan untuk pergi secara langsung dengan sistem.

Pada hari Rabu, DISA telah membuka All Partners Access Network (APAN) nya, disokong oleh projek Kerjasama Perkongsian Maklumat Transnasional, kepada mana-mana organisasi yang menyokong usaha membantu Haiti.

Projek berkongsi maklumat, yang dibangunkan dengan sokongan daripada kedua-dua SOUTHCOM dan Defense Department's European Command, telah dibangunkan selama tiga tahun. Ianya direka-bentuk untuk memudahkan kerjasama pelbagai hala antara persekutuan dan agensi-agensi bukan kerajaan / NGO.

Dan seterusnya, di mana tulisan asalnya adalah seperti di bawah;

As personnel representing hundreds of government and nongovernment agencies from around the world rush to the aid of earthquake-devastated Haiti, the Defense Information Systems Agency has launched a Web portal with multiple social networking tools to aid in coordinating their efforts.

On Monday, Jean Demay, DISA's technical manager for the agency's Transnational Information Sharing Cooperation project, happened to be at the headquarters of the U.S. Southern Command in Miami preparing for a test of the system in a scenario that involved providing relief to Haiti in the wake of a hurricane. After the earthquake hit on Tuesday, Demay said SOUTHCOM decided to go live with the system. On Wednesday, DISA opened up its All Partners Access Network, supported by the Transnational Information Sharing Cooperation project, to any organization supporting Haiti relief efforts.

The information sharing project, developed with backing from both SOUTHCOM and the Defense Department's European Command, has been in development for three years. It is designed to facilitate multilateral collaboration between federal and nongovernmental agencies.

Demay said that since DISA set up a Haiti Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Community of Interest on APAN on Wednesday, almost 500 organizations and individuals have joined, including a range of Defense units and various nongovernmental organizations and relief groups.

APAN provides a series of collaboration tools, including geographical information systems, wikis, YouTube and MySpace-like pages and multilingual chat rooms.

Meanwhile, other organizations are tackling different technological challenges. Gianluca Bruni, the Dubai-based information technology chief for emergency preparedness and response for the World Food Programme, is setting up networks and systems to support United Nations and nongovernmental organizations in Haiti. WFP already has dispatched two communications kits to Haiti, with satellite systems that operate at 1 megabit per second and can support up to 100 users. It also has sent laptop computers, Wi-Fi access points and long-range point-to-point wireless systems to connect remote users to the satellite terminals. Bruni said eventually WFP plans to set up cyber cafés in Haiti for use all relief workers in the country.[/color]

Jon Anderson, a DISA spokesman, said the agency is supplying 10 megabits of satellite capacity to Navy, Marine and Air Force units engaged in the Haiti relief operation.

Many of the relief organizations and agencies in Haiti are bringing their own radio systems to the country. DISA has deployed a three-person team from its Joint Spectrum Management Element to help manage radio frequency spectrum.

The Joint Forces Command's Joint Communications Support Element deployed two teams equipped with satellite systems and VoIP phones to support SOUTHCOM in Port-au-Prince late Wednesday. Those systems were operational "in a matter of hours," said JCSE Chief of Staff Chris Wilson. The organization will send another team to Haiti in the next few days.

Wilson said JCSE was able to get its gear into Haiti quickly because the systems already were loaded on pallets in Miami in preparation for an exercise that has been canceled.

So many governments and agencies from around the world have responded to the crisis in Haiti that they have overwhelmed the ability of the Port-au-Prince airport to handle incoming relief flights. The Federal Aviation Administration has had a ground-stop on aircraft headed for Haiti for much of the past two days.

FAA warned in an advisory Friday that "due to limited ramp space at Port-au-Prince airport," with the exception of international cargo flights, "the Haitians are not accepting any aircraft into their airspace."

The advisory added that domestic U.S. military and civilian flights to Haiti must be first be cleared by its command center. Exemptions will be based solely on the basis of ramp space. The agency also starkly warned "there is no available fuel" at the Port-au-Prince airport.

Ini JELAS membuktikan bahawa persiapan-persiapan yang rapi telah dibuat oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat dan sekutu-sekutunya sebelum berlaku gempa bumi lagi.

Sama ada gempa bumi itu berlaku adalah disebabkan oleh mereka, atau pun sebab alamiah iaitu kejadian alam ciptaan Tuhan (mungkin atas sebab bala kerana perbuatan manusia dan sebagainya) , yang JELAS ialah AS telah bersedia untuk itu. Dan Haiti menjadi sasaran AS untuk ditakluki selepas Iraq, cuma cara menjajah / menakluk sahaja yang berlainan.  Mereka sudah lama berada di situ dan menunggu masa yang sesuai untuk bertindak.

Persediaan menghadapi krisis itu adalah sama dengan persediaan yang dibuat sebelum berlakunya kejadian 9/11 dan juga 7/7 London Bombings. Di mana sebagai contoh pada kejadian 9/11, kita dapat lihat sendiri banyak video di Youtube yang memaparkan adanya pasukan-pasukan bantuan seperti Bomba, Polis dan sebagainya diperkarangan berdekatan bangunan WTC (World Trade Center) sebelum sahaja bangunan itu dilanggar oleh kapal terbang.

Ini membuktikan bahawa ianya semua sudah dirancang dengan rapi dan bukannya secara kebetulan.



p/s: Perhatikan logo DISA di atas, ada 13 bintang di dalamnya. Masih ingat kepada 13 dinasti / bloodline dalam Illuminati? .......

2 ulasan:

  1. The Electric Earth

    The Earth is an electrified body, moving in a plasma. We who stand on its surface are seldom aware of its electrical properties. That's because we live in balance with the Earth's electric field. Similarly, a bird on an electric wire has no idea that high-energy currents of electricity are flowing beneath her feet. But she might notice the hums and crackles that are side effects of that current.

    Like the high-tension wire, our Earth produces hums and crackles as it responds to surges of power in the electric currents of space. Perhaps the most obvious sparks are the auroras, as seen in the above picture taken from the International Space Station in April 2003.

    The complex patterns of electric currents and magnetic fields surrounding the Earth are how the Earth's electric charge adjusts to the Sun's electric field. These electrical phenomena were a complete surprise, discovered by satellites launched by astronomers who expected to find the Earth isolated from the rest of the universe by featureless vacuum. Instead, they found the near-Earth environs alive with energetic activity.

    Other electrical sparks that the Earth produces go unnoticed because we have lived with them so long that we think we know what causes them. Many meteorological phenomena are electrically driven. We've always thought of lightning as electrical, and now we're beginning to realize that we can think of tornadoes and hurricanes as electrical phenomena, too. But less spectacular weather conditions like dust devils and waterspouts are also electrically driven, as are larger weather patterns, the jet streams and El Niño.

    Earthquakes can be induced by pumping electricity into the Earth, and natural quakes are often accompanied by or preceded by electrical glows called earthquake lights and radio frequency static. Volcanoes are often accompanied by copious amounts of lightning. No one died from the lava flows or cinder bombs during the decade- long eruptions of Paricutin in Mexico, but three people were killed by its lightning.

    All of the Earth sciences could profit from asking the question: How do the discoveries of Earth's unexpected electrical environment affect our discipline? How many concepts have been overlooked because until a few decades ago no one suspected that Earth is an electrified body moving through a plasma?

  2. The Electric Earth

    The Earth is an electrified body, moving in a plasma. We who stand on its surface are seldom aware of its electrical properties. That's because we live in balance with the Earth's electric field. Similarly, a bird on an electric wire has no idea that high-energy currents of electricity are flowing beneath her feet. But she might notice the hums and crackles that are side effects of that current.

    Like the high-tension wire, our Earth produces hums and crackles as it responds to surges of power in the electric currents of space. Perhaps the most obvious sparks are the auroras, as seen in the above picture taken from the International Space Station in April 2003.

    The complex patterns of electric currents and magnetic fields surrounding the Earth are how the Earth's electric charge adjusts to the Sun's electric field. These electrical phenomena were a complete surprise, discovered by satellites launched by astronomers who expected to find the Earth isolated from the rest of the universe by featureless vacuum. Instead, they found the near-Earth environs alive with energetic activity.

    Other electrical sparks that the Earth produces go unnoticed because we have lived with them so long that we think we know what causes them. Many meteorological phenomena are electrically driven. We've always thought of lightning as electrical, and now we're beginning to realize that we can think of tornadoes and hurricanes as electrical phenomena, too. But less spectacular weather conditions like dust devils and waterspouts are also electrically driven, as are larger weather patterns, the jet streams and El Niño.

    Earthquakes can be induced by pumping electricity into the Earth, and natural quakes are often accompanied by or preceded by electrical glows called earthquake lights and radio frequency static. Volcanoes are often accompanied by copious amounts of lightning. No one died from the lava flows or cinder bombs during the decade- long eruptions of Paricutin in Mexico, but three people were killed by its lightning.

    All of the Earth sciences could profit from asking the question: How do the discoveries of Earth's unexpected electrical environment affect our discipline? How many concepts have been overlooked because until a few decades ago no one suspected that Earth is an electrified body moving through a plasma?


Terima kasih :)


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