Jeddah flood on 25 November 2009

[starttext] Jeddah hit by huge flood because of raining on 25/11/09, which was the worst flood in 27 years, more than 2000 cars had been wrecked and more than 100 dead :(

"Final hour will not come until the land of Arabia will be back meadows and rivers." Hadith narrated by Ahmad [endtext]

2 ulasan:

  1. "96. If the people of the towns had but believed and feared Allah, We should indeed have opened out to them (all kinds of) blessings from heaven and earth; but they rejected (the truth), and We brought them to book for their misdeeds.

    97. Did the people of the towns feel secure against the coming of Our wrath by night while they were asleep?

    98. Or else did they feel secure against its coming in broad daylight while they played about (care-free)?

    99. Did they then feel secure against the plan of Allah.- but no one can feel secure from the Plan of Allah, except those (doomed) to ruin!

    100. To those who inherit the earth in succession to its (previous) possessors, is it not a guiding, (lesson) that, if We so willed, We could punish them (too) for their sins, and seal up their hearts so that they could not hear?"
    Surah 7. Al-A'raf : Verse 96 - 100

  2. "96. If the people of the towns had but believed and feared Allah, We should indeed have opened out to them (all kinds of) blessings from heaven and earth; but they rejected (the truth), and We brought them to book for their misdeeds.

    97. Did the people of the towns feel secure against the coming of Our wrath by night while they were asleep?

    98. Or else did they feel secure against its coming in broad daylight while they played about (care-free)?

    99. Did they then feel secure against the plan of Allah.- but no one can feel secure from the Plan of Allah, except those (doomed) to ruin!

    100. To those who inherit the earth in succession to its (previous) possessors, is it not a guiding, (lesson) that, if We so willed, We could punish them (too) for their sins, and seal up their hearts so that they could not hear?"
    Surah 7. Al-A'raf : Verse 96 - 100


Terima kasih :)


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