Berikut adalah gambar-gambar foto yang memenangi pertandingan DUNIA KECIL MICRO Nikon (2009 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition). Sungguh unik sekali alam halus ciptaan Allah S.w.t. Walaupun teramat halus dari pandangan mata kasar, tetapi mempunyai corak-corak dan formasi-formasi yang amat canggih dan cantik. Hayatilah keindahan dan keunikan makhluk-makhluk ciptaan Allah ini yang telah dibesarkan menggunakan MIKROSKOP. Subhanallah .......
1st place: Heiti Paves from Tallinn University won the competition with this 20X zoom picture of the anther from a Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) plant. The anther is where pollen is produced.
2nd place: Gerd A. Guenther, from Dusseldorf in Germany snapped the Sonchus asper (spiny sowthistle) flower stem section with 150X zoom. It is a common roadside weed in the U.S.
3rd place: Pedro Barrios-Perez, from Ottowa, Canada captured this wrinkled photoresist with 200X zoom. Photoresists are light-sensitive materials used to create patterned coating on surfaces in photoengraving.
4th place: James E. Hayden, from Philadelphia took this picture of an Anglerfish ovary with 4X zoom. The deep sea fish lures prey with a light.
5th place: Bruno Vellutini, from Sao Paulo university in Brazil looked at the oral surface of a young seastar with a 40X zoom.
6th place: Havi Sarfaty, from Israel took this close-up of Discus fish scales with 20X zoom. They are native to the Amazon basin.
7th place: Shirley Owens from Michigan State University captured the hair-like trichomes on Thunbergia alata (Black-eyed Susan vine) with 450X zoom. The yellow-flowered plant is a herbaceous perennial climbing plant.
8th place: Lloyd Donaldson from New Zealand pictured these cotton fibres stained with berberine sulphate and color depth shaded with a 200X zoom.
9th place: Bernardo Cesare from Padova University in Italy created Olivine inclusions in gabbro (magmatic rock) with a 5X zoom. Olivine is a mineral made from magnesium, iron and silica.
10th place: Arlene Wechezak, Algae and diatoms (10X)
11th place: Dominik Paquet, “Alzheimer” Zebrafish, stained for Tau (red), neurons (green), and pathologic Tau (blue) (10X)
12th place: Tsutomu Seimiya, Flow pattern in draining soap film (10X)
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