Isnin, 9 Mei 2011

Harga kereta terpakai semakin naik di Amerika Syarikat

Kalau sebelum ini , harga kereta terpakai (second hand car) semakin lama semakin murah. Tetapi nampaknya, akibat keadaan ekonomi yang semakin teruk dan harga minyak semakin naik, maka kereta baru semakin tidak laku, lebih-lebih lagi kereta besar dan mewah.

Baru-baru ini saja kita lihat kereta-kereta yang banyak laku di AS ialah kereta-kereta kecil dan jimat minyak.

Ini mengakibatkan jualan kereta besar semakin susut dan pengeluarannya pun semakin terbantut. Banyak dilaporkan dalam pelbagai akhbar online hari ini. Berikut ialah laporan dari USA Today yang mencatatkan bahawa harga kereta terpakai naik pada bulan April baru-baru ini.

Used-car prices hit record high in April

Used-car prices at the wholesale level hit another record in April, one of the nation's top car auction houses tells Automotive News.

With Japanese auto plants still operating at vastly reduced capacity and the economy picking up, it should be no surprise that used-car prices are high and likely to go higher. But it's interesting to see how Manheim, which handles the auctions that allow car dealers to buy their inventory, was able to quantify the prices.

The used-car price index stands at 126.6 for April, up from 124.2 in March. The previous record was set last January at 124.9. The index was ceated in January, 1995, when the price was set at 100.

"Wholesale used vehicle prices are also now being supported by the new-vehicle market's tight inventories, steady demand and higher net transaction prices," Manheim is quoted as saying by the News.  [USA Today]

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