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12 of my 3D Landscape wallpapers

Strawberry houses for rent 3d landscape pictureStrawberry houses for rent

I don't know the rental price :D I just know that I love to live in a strawberry house. There are also aurora, meteors, butterflies and some plants in this picture. How if I create more fruit-like houses? Like mango house, orange house, pineapple house, apple house, and so on?

Jungledible in the fantasea 3d landscape pictureJungledible in the fantasea

Christopher Columbus missed this place :D Double lightnings, birds, a whale tail, a ship etc. I love giant mushroom, that's why many of my digital images consist of giant mushrooms.

Honeymoon haven 3d landscape pictureHoneymoon haven

Two birds, a dolphin and a moon are photos, blended in PS. A secret place but now not secret anymore :D A port for husband and wife to go for a honeymoon.

Never too late 3d landscape pictureNever too late

The low class future city at the background :D With sunflowers and mushrooms on the foreground and the old abandoned rusty superbike. Does that superbike really look old and rusty?

Weirdo winter 3d pictureWeirdo winter

The winter scene with pagoda style castle, weird plants, cars and igloo style houses.

rose land 3d pictureRose land

The land is full with green roses but only one red rose :D . With the Taj Mahal style structure in the background far away :)

Valley of the cactuses 3d pictureValley of the cactuses

Many kinds of cactus here. There are huge tall canyons in the background. But what is that alien ship doing there? :)

small island 3d landscape
Small island of nowhere

Very nice place to swim and take a bath. How do you feel if the world is really full with water like this? :)

a tree house in a forest 3d pictureA house and smoke on a water

a tree house in a forest 3d pictureA tree house in a forest

The tree houses located in a forest of nowhere. There are also many plants in this picture including mushrooms . Would you like to live in this kind of house?

malay kampung beside the beach 3d pictureA Malay kampung beside the beach

The 3d environment of a Malay kampung beside the beach. Added with a plane, ships, a boat, a traditional house, light house and so on.

malay kampung beside the beach 3d pictureEast structure meet west structure

Maybe this will happen if a building from the west meets a building from the east. A cottage style and Taj Mahal style combination.

Software used : Terragen , Terragen 2 , 3d Studio Max 9 , post processing in Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended

© NeeZhom PhotoMalaya

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