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Gambar-gambar rahib shaolin membuat pertunjukan Kung Fu di Malta

An elderly Shaolin monk performs during the show "The Holy Mountain" at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta November 6, 2009. The performance by Shaolin monks from China and Kalari fighters from India showcases Chinese Kung Fu and Kalaripayattu - an ancient Indian form of training which combines the respiration technique of meditation and relaxation with physical training

Shaolin monks and Kalari fighters perform during the show "The Holy Mountain" at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta November 6, 2009. The performance by Shaolin monks from China and Kalari fighters from India, showcases Chinese Kung Fu and Kalaripayattu - an ancient Indian form of training which combines the respiration technique of meditation and relaxation with physical training.

A Shaolin monk balances on a spearhead during the show "The Holy Mountain" at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta November 6, 2009. The performance by Shaolin monks from China and Kalari fighters from India showcases Chinese Kung Fu and Kalaripayattu - an ancient Indian form of training which combines the respiration technique of meditation and relaxation with physical training

A 7 year-old Shaolin monk stands barefooted on blades during the show "The Holy Mountain" at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta November 6, 2009. The performance by Shaolin monks from China and Kalari fighters from India showcases Chinese Kung Fu and Kalaripayattu - an ancient Indian form of training which combines the respiration technique of meditation and relaxation with physical training

Gambar-gambar rahib shaolin membuat pertunjukan Kung Fu di Malta

Source - China Daily

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